Forum 8 topics
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Welcome! 6 topicsGlad you made it! You can introduce yourself here. Certainly no obligation, but it lets us get to know you better. This Forum was created just this month so some Categories don't yet have any posts. Please feel free to jump in and help get things started!
Suggestions & Questions 2 topicsIdeas and suggestions on how to make things better are always welcome...just drop us a note. This is also the place to ask any questions regarding the site.
Doors, Frames, Borrowed Lites, HMF Anchors 14 topics
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Hollow Metal Doors 3 topicsHollow Metal Doors, Fire Rating & Labeling, Vision Lites, Louvers, Wind Load Approvals, Door Cores...
Wood Doors 2 topicsWood Door Veneers, Fire Rating & Labeling, Vision Lites, Louvers, Cores...
Borrowed Lites 1 topicWelded and Knockdown Borrowed Lites, Glazing Bead, Fire Rating...
Hollow Metal Frames 5 topicsInstallation, Jamb Depth, Throat Size, Welded or KD, Rough Opening Sizes...
Hollow Metal Frame Anchors 3 topicsPunch and Dimple, Redheads, Steel Stud Anchors, Universal Stud Anchors, Z-Clips, Wire Anchors, T-Anchors, Strap Anchors, Compression Anchors, Base & mullion Anchors...
Commercial Door Hardware 8 topics
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Entire Opening Package Hardware 2 topicsHinges, Locks, Closers, Thresholds, Door Sweeps, Door Stops...the hardware package as a whole is discussed here.
Hinges 1 topicNRP, Steel - Brass - Stainless Steel Base, Electric Thru Wire, TW4, TW8, 3 or 5 Knuckle, Full Mortise, Half Mortise, Half Surface, Full Surface, Concealed Hinges, SOSS Hinges, Continuous Hinges...
Locks & Latchsets 1 topicLever Locks, Cylindrical Locks, Mortise Locks, Deadlocks, Lock Functions (Entry, Storeroom, Classroom, Passage, Privacy), Master Keying, Construction Master Keying, IC (Interchangeable Core) Locks, Cylinders, Large Format, Small Format...
Door Closers 1 topicParallel Arm, Standard Arm, Top Jamb Mount, Concealed Closers, TBGN, Sex Bolts, Automatic Openers, Delayed Action, Barrier Free, Hold Open Arm, Backcheck, Sweep & Latch Speed...
Panic Devices / Exit Devices 1 topicRim Exit Devices, Surface Vertical Rod Devices, Concealed Vertical Rod Devices, Mortise Panic Devices, Outside Trim Options, Dogging, Fire Rated, Templates...
Flushbolts and Surface Bolts 1 topicManual Flushbolts, Automatic Flushbolts, Combination Flushbolts, Surface Bolts, Dutch Door Bolts...
Misc Hardware 1 topicWeatherstrip, Thresholds, Kickplates, Door Stops, Push & Pull Plates, Door Holders, Door Sweeps, Automatic Door Bottoms, Coordinators...
The Plan Room 8 topics
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Advantages & Disadvantages, Procedures, Tips
Advantages & Disadvantages, Procedures, Tips
Advantages & Disadvantages, Procedures, Tips
Doing take-offs by hand on paper
Shop Talk 2 topics
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Welding & Grinding HM Frames 1 topic6011 Rods, .035 Mig Wire spools, 36 Grit Grinding Discs, Welding in Anchors...
General Shop Talk 1 topicAll Shop Talk here that doesn't fit in other Categories.
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